Data Mining and Evaluation

“Data is the Oil of the 21st Century” (Economist, 2017)
Whether authentic or not, it is not the question here. But just the fact, unlike oil, that data will never dry up and we will ALWAYS need enough confirmed data (information) for EVERY decision-making process, leads us to believe, that between OIL and Data exists an immense difference.
From the beginning ARROWS has been tasked with handling large amounts of data in the interest of our clients. Without data (information) we would never have been able to find successful solutions to our customers‘ problems.
Today all significant, market-oriented processes, and many social processes need to be verified, valuated and visually presented using numbers and Data and such Data gives you the best chance, to find systematic structures and patterns, that will impact any economical or political decision.
Both, of course, also apply to criminal activities. Modern white-collar crime, such as investment fraud, money laundering, corruption, counterfeiting, intellectual property theft, cybercrime, stock manipulation (Wirecard) – all these things happen in the same digital and analog marketplaces as normal legal business, as normal legal life.
Sourcing, analysing, evaluating and reporting data can be difficult, and not everyone is able to recognise important, relevant data, especially when presented with large amounts of data.
This is one of the reasons why Arrows Consulting has developed special skills in the targeted visualisation of data from the outset.
The ARROWS team is specialized in gathering the necessary Data for specific single problems (e.g. market data of a counterfeit product) as well as for problems related to a complete society (e.g. the „x-ray“ of structural corruption inside the society). We are focused on solutions to find the structure behind a crime and to avoid damages by illegal or semi-legal activities.
In this way you are able to place your chessmen correctly on the chessboard…

The experts from Arrows Consulting use the most modern tools in addition to our own software which we have developed, to bring our clients the very best service.
The information we provide will help you to precisely determine your position in the national and international network of business activities.

We can supply you with necessary information to make you see where you stand in relation to your competitors, where your strengths are, and where your weaknesses lie. Together with you, we evaluate the data to identify where you are vulnerable to illegal activities, inside your structure and from the outside, and offer solutions to protect your business.
The ARROWS expertise and knowledge system can show you what you can do for your own future, where the stairs lead….

- Our services include:
- Digital Data collecting - utilising networks, databases, institutions, entities and other
- Gathering analog information and digital Data out of natural regional and international networks (interviews and studies) to supplement
- Logical and structural consolidation of different data clusters according to a defined goal
- Provision of goal orientated patterns and recurring structures, formulated from complex mathematical models.